UK public invited to take a London 2012 Open Weekend challenge

Today top sport stars from across the UK join Sebastian Coe, Chair of the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG) to invite people to actively celebrate the two year countdown to the start of the London 2012 Games by participating in Open Weekend 2010.

Open Weekend is a series of exciting sporting, arts and cultural challenges taking place across the UK from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 July 2010.

With the fresh theme of ‘challenge yourself’, organisations have set public challenges at their events, creating an opportunity for everyone across the UK to set a new personal best by trying something new or taking an existing interest to the next level.

With the support of BP, Premier Partner of the Cultural Olympiad and long-standing supporter of arts and culture in the UK, Open Weekend will take place every year until the start of the London 2012 Games.

London 2012 Open Weekend will give people access to a range of opportunities including building your own boat; performing in a ballet; running a leg in a 3k relay race; making your own stone sundial and talent contests.

Full listings can be found at

London 2012 Chair Sebastian Coe said: “Open Weekend will lead the nation into the two year countdown to the start of the London 2012 Games with new personal bests being set right across the UK.

Open Weekend 2010 is another opportunity for thousands of people to join in with the London 2012 Games.”

Now in its third year, London 2012 Open Weekend follows the success of the past two previous years, in which over a million people across the UK unleashed their creativity across a series of sporting, art and cultural activities.

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “London 2012 is a grand celebration of sport, but it is also about much, much more. With Open Weekend you can channel that enthusiasm, harness that energy and unlock your creativity. So get out and about, explore and make it a real humdinger.”

Peter Mather, Regional Vice President, Europe, & Head of Country, UK, BP said: “BP is delighted to support Open Weekend again in 2010. We’re working closely with LOCOG to build on last year’s success and look forward to seeing hundreds of excellent events across the UK, all inspired by London 2012.”

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