The Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed that three Russian planes, one helicopter and two missiles hit

Miembros del servicio ucraniano operan un obús 2A65 Msta-B durante ejercicios de artillería y antiaéreos cerca de la frontera con Crimea anexionada por Rusia en la región de Kherson, Ucrania, en esta imagen de mano publicada el 28 de enero de 2022. Servicio de Prensa de la Operación de Fuerzas Conjuntas/Handout vía REUTERS - ESTA IMAGEN HA SIDO SUMINISTRADA POR UN TERCERO.
Miembros del servicio ucraniano operan un obús 2A65 Msta-B durante ejercicios de artillería y antiaéreos cerca de la frontera con Crimea anexionada por Rusia en la región de Kherson, Ucrania, en esta imagen de mano publicada el 28 de enero de 2022. Servicio de Prensa de la Operación de Fuerzas Conjuntas/Handout vía REUTERS – ESTA IMAGEN HA SIDO SUMINISTRADA POR UN TERCERO. (JOINT FORCES OPERATION/)

The Ukrainian Army has assured that it hit three Russian aircraft, one helicopter and two cruise missiles on Sunday, as reported by the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

“The Ukrainian Air Force missile forces have hit six air targets the day before: three planes, one helicopter and two winged missiles,” the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported on their Facebook profile.

Thus, they explained that on the territory of the separatist regions of Donetsk and Lugansk, “seven enemy attacks have been rejected” by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and two units of armored equipment, forty-three cars and a morgue of the opponent have been destroyed.

“The Ukrainian Air Force has continued to launch missile bomb attacks against enemy troop sites, columns of military equipment and logistics centers,” the Ukrainian Army statement concluded.

Un militar ucraniano en el lugar de un bombardeo

Meanwhile, more than five weeks after the start of the war in Ukraine, a total of eleven regional Ukrainian politicians are in Russian captivity, Kiev authorities reported on Sunday.

Local politicians in the Kiev, Kharkiv, Mikolaiv and Donetsk regions are missing, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk confirmed. According to Vereshchuk, negotiations are taking place for the exchange of prisoners.

The statement comes after Vereshchuk reported on Friday that 86 Ukrainian soldiers had been released from Russian captivity.

The Ukrainian authorities have also reported that the mayor of the village of Motyshin, Olga Suchenko, and her husband have been found dead in the Kiev area.

Ukraine, which this weekend regained control of the entire Kiev region by Putin’s army, discovered Russian barbarism: a “deliberate massacre” in the city of Bucha, 30 kilometers northwest of the capital and hundreds of civilian bodies killed in other recovered cities.

After the shocking find, Western countries accused Russian troops on Sunday of committing “war crimes” and Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky accused Russia of being committing “a genocide” of civilians in their country.

On the other hand, the Ukrainian authorities have accused Russian troops present in the country this Sunday of carrying out selective sexual violence against Ukrainian women and girls.

In a video posted on Twitter, Member of Parliament Olexiy Goncharenko said that several bodies of naked women have been found on the side of a road not far from Kiev. “You can see what happened,” he stressed, adding that, after assaulting women, the Russians tried to burn their bodies.

The mayor of Irpin, Oleksander Markushin, has reported that the local women and girls have been shot, and told Deutsche Welle that they were later hit by Russian tanks.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, has emphasized a video message posted on Twitter that the faster the Ukrainian army can “liberate” the territories occupied by Russia, the more human rights will be respected there.

“Women will not be raped. Children won’t have to watch their mothers get raped. Civilians will not be killed,” said Kuleba, adding that Ukraine needs support to achieve this: “We need weapons, now,” he stressed.

In addition, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported on Sunday that “executions were committed in areas of Ukraine under Russian control summary “and “other serious abuses” that could amount to war crimes.

Between 27 February and 14 March, the NGO documented dozens of cases in which Russian forces committed what would constitute war crimes against civilians in occupied areas in the Kharkiv, Chernigov and Kiev regions. According to a statement from the organization, such cases include rape, two summary executions, of six men on one occasion and one on another, and other instances of violence and threats against civilians.

(With information from Europa Press)


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