Congress prepares bill to cut only President Pedro Castillo's term

The president of the Constitution Committee of the Congress of the Republic, Patricia Juárez, announced on Sunday that the Avanza País bench would be preparing a bill to cut the mandate but only of President Pedro Castillo, but not of the parliamentarians who would remain in office.

According to what I have heard, there is a bill out there that is going to be presented for the reduction of the term of office of the President of the Republic. Well, let’s do it,” said the congresswoman of Fuerza Popular and specified that this cut in mandate would only be against the head of state.


For Patricia Juárez, the problem of the country is only generated by the Executive and therefore she believes that “not everyone should leave”, as the polls point out, but only the president.

I don’t agree with everyone leaving. I think that we in the country have to get used to the fact that institutions work. Indeed, at the moment there is a problem generated by the Executive that has put us in a very serious situation like the one we are with his appointments, serious corruption scandals. I think the responsibility lies with Castillo and he has to bear the consequences of this,” he added.

Juárez indicated that this legislative initiative would come from the Avanza País bench and that if approved, the Vice President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, would assume it.

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Regarding the initiative that would be presented by the Executive to hold, together with the Regional and Municipal Elections of October 2022, a referendum deciding whether or not to elect a constituent assembly, Patricia Juárez said she hoped to know exactly what will be proposed and that they will give the procedure that corresponds to the proposed in the constitution committee which she presides.

He indicated that no article of the current Constitution envisages any avenue for a new Magna Carta through popular consultation.

He said that the objective of the Executive with this proposal would be to generate social upheaval and expectation “in a minority group in the country.”

He pointed out that for a total or partial change of the Constitution it is necessary to collect signatures and go to Congress in order for it to approve or not a referendum allowing its amendment. However, such a measure would not have the votes for approval in the Legislative.


It should be noted that President Pedro Castillo on Friday led the Sixth Decentralized Council of Ministers in the city of Cusco, which took place at the Casa de la Juventud Coliseum. During his speech, the head of state announced the presentation of a bill for a referendum to be consulted in this year’s regional and municipal elections to determine whether or not the population agrees with the change of Constitution.

He indicated that Parliament will have the power to approve or not to approve this initiative, which will be worked on by the Executive Branch immediately. “We are going to send a bill to Congress, following the constitutional course, so that, in these upcoming municipal and regional elections, the Peruvian people will also be consulted through a charter whether or not they agree to a new Constitution,” he said.


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